Biden out!

Looks like its TV night at the House of The Gods. Pass the popcorn!

He bowed out.

Live Updates: Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race, Endorses Harris

President Biden wrote on social media that he was ending his campaign for re-election after intense pressure from within his own party. He endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him atop the Democratic ticket.

As much as I think he had issues, getting the country to endorse Kamala Harris, an Indian African American woman, I’m concerned. It probably would have been best if he had just resigned the presidency and let her step up NOW. I hope the country proves me wrong and she does become our First Female President. Being Indian and African are cherries are top.
This country is so bigoted, and men are so threatened by women, she’s an underdog for sure.

Will she pick Newsom as her running mate? A double female ticket would be doubly hard to win. Don’t get me wrong, it would be AWESOME, but only symbolic IMO.

Kamala Harris’ Running Mate: Here’s Who Could Be Her VP If She Replaces Biden

Biden has made no public indications he plans to bow out of the race.

I wish her all the best! I would love to see a female President of the United States in my lifetime.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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47 Responses to Biden out!

  1. M]/b says:

    Great job at posting this great news asap! Love it. I’m excited. I will miss Biden but I so respect his decision in what he feels is best for the country. However, I thought the same thing…could he have resigned and let her take control now? Give her the helm now.

    I’m 💯% behind Kamala Harris. I hope the country can get behind her as well and we can welcome the first female president! Herstory will be created. I wish them both the best!

    • M]/b says:

      PS: These are just my initial thoughts from the news. What Biden did was very brave, selfless and patriotic. Do I think he should resign now and give Kamala the helm? I really don’t know. What I do feel is energy, and excitement, and hope. Something I haven’t felt in awhile. 💙

    • Kate says:

      Bidenshouldn’t resign and give her the job now because it would make her a lame duck POTUS upon her election. The law would prevent her from seeking a third term as POTUS. She is entitled to 8 years, two full terms as POTUS.

  2. Susan says:

    Italian Franca Viola was just 15 when she became engaged to 23-year-old Filippo Melodia. However, Melodia’s involvement in criminal activities led to Viola breaking off the relationship.

    After Melodia’s release from prison, he sought to reconcile with Viola, who had already entered into a relationship with another man. Enraged by her refusal to take him back, Melodia orchestrated Viola’s kidnapping in the early hours of December 26, 1965. She was held against her will for eight days and subjected to sexual assault by Melodia during this time.

    During this period in Italy, rape was considered a crime against public morality( and not against the individual), and it was customary for rapists to marry their victims. Many rape victims succumbed to this tradition due to societal pressure, as it was considered dishonorable for a woman not to marry the man who took her virginity. Furthermore, rapists were forgiven if they married their victims.

    Melodia expected Viola to yield to this pressure, but she vehemently refused to marry him.

    As a result, Melodia was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison. Viola’s resilience sparked a revolution that ultimately led to the abolition of the law allowing rapists to be forgiven through marriage.

    • Lucy says:

      Stanhope Queen of the Desert

    • Brenda says:

      Between 1780 and 1850, in the England of the industrial revolution, it was common to sell one’s wife at the market

      There are testimonies of at least 300 cases of wives being sold at auction, to which must be added the many sales that were never recorded.

      The phenomenon, throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, spread among the less wealthy classes of rural and even proto-industrial society and despite having no legal basis, it was incredibly tolerated by the English authorities.

      Selling one’s wife was not simply a way to make a profit; over time, in fact, it was also consolidated as a practical alternative tool to the very expensive divorce, widespread only among the aristocracy.

      In practice, the husband took his wife to the cattle market, registered her as a “good for sale” and, once he had tied a rope around her neck or wrist, he led her to the public square, where the auction took place.

      To be fair, it should be noted that the wife often consented and always had the right to veto buyers who were not to her liking.

      In some cases it was the wife herself who asked to be sold and both spouses agreed in using the instrument of sale as a way to put an end to a relationship that had become unsustainable for both.

      The last documented wife sale dates back to 1913, when a Leeds woman reported to the authorities that she had been sold by her husband to an acquaintance of hers for £1.

    • Maja says:

      The Story of Real Lagertha, c. 12th Century

      According to the ancient text the Gesta Danorum, or “Deeds of the Danes” by 12th Century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus, Lagertha was a legendary Viking shieldmaiden. She was related to the Norwegian King Siward.

      When the King of Sweden Frø invaded Norway and murdered Siward, he forced all of the King’s female family into a brothel to further humiliate him. Upon learning of this a young Ragnar Lodbrok raised an army to avenge

      Siward’s death. Lagertha and many other women managed to escape and, disguising themselves as men, joined Ragnar’s forces. Saxo recounted that “though a maiden [she] had the courage of a man, and fought in front among the bravest with her hair loose over her shoulders. All marvelled at her matchless deeds”. Ragnar was stunned by Lagertha’s courage and insisted she marry him.

      She refused and instead decided to test his desire for her. Lagertha summoned him to her home, which she had guarded by a bear and a hound. If Ragnar could reach her, she would marry him. Ragnar killed the bear with a spear, choked the hound and won her hand in marriage.

      They had a son together, Fridleif, and two daughters. Later Ragnar travelled to Denmark to fight in a civil war and while there married the daughter of the Swedish King Herraud. He was in need of reinforcements from Norway and a still heartbroken Lagertha came to his aid with 120 ships. At the height of the battle, Lagertha lead a courageous counter attack that ensured their victory.

      Returning to Norway she remarried but killed her husband with a spearhead she had concealed in her wedding gown, then “usurped the whole of his name and sovereignty, for [she] thought it pleasanter to rule without her husband than to share the throne with him”.

    • Grace says:

      Marilyn Monroe, with her charming candor, is said to have once said to Einstein, “We could have a baby together. He would come out beautiful like me and smart like you”. To which, the father of relativity, would have replied: “Well, I think he would come out faster with my beauty and your intelligence.”

      Then it was not yet known (the tests were done later), that Marilyn Monroe’s IQ was 165, five points above that of “the greatest genius of all time”. Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jeane Baker, 1926-1962) was a great reader. He had a library in his house with about a thousand books and spent many hours reading literary works, poetry, theater, philosophy. Her spirit, in addition to a great desire to live, had an immense curiosity and an unbridled hunger for knowledge.

      These are some of the wonderful quotes of this incredible woman: “One of the best things that happened to me is that I am a woman. All women should feel that way.” “Dogs don’t bite. People do.” “I don’t feel like spring. I feel like a hot red autumn.” “Laugh when you’re sad. Crying is too easy.” “No one told me I was beautiful when I was a child. All children should be told they’re beautiful, even if they’re not.” “It’s better to be alone than miserable with someone.” “Imperfection is beauty and madness is genius. It’s better to be ridiculous than to be boring.”

      “Disappointments make you open your eyes and close your heart.” “I’m a little girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.” “I’ve never left someone I believed in.” “I have never cheated anyone. Sometimes I let men make their own mistakes.” “If I had followed all the rules, I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.” “It’s easier to love a man than to live with him.” “Don’t hang your head, keep your forehead up and smile, because life is a beautiful thing and you have many reasons to smile.”

  3. Helen says:

    Did You Know

    In the 9th century, the Byzantine Empire had a system of mountain-top beacons, not unlike the beacons of Gondor in the Lord of the Rings, that stretched 450 miles (720 kilometers) across Asia Minor. The beacon line was very efficient, and a message could be transmitted from the farthest point all the way back to Constantinople within an hour.

    • Helena says:

      Did You Know

      The town motto of Aberdeen, Washington, is “Come As You Are”—Aberdeen is the birthplace of Kurt Cobain, and the motto is a tribute to the Nirvana frontman.

    • Alycedale says:

      Did You Know

      French dip sandwiches did not, as the name might imply, originate in France. They were first created in Los Angeles and named French dip sandwiches because of the style of bread used.

  4. Ned says:

    It’s Not Just Streaming Content, Your Smart TV Collects Data on Everything

  5. Anonymous says:

    words from deep space, “I would do anything so that you keep on loving me.”

  6. Fatima says:

    What about hidden cameras in you AirB&B?
    The brand famous for short-term rentals has a problem that won’t go away: hidden cameras. Airbnb constantly receives complaints of undisclosed cameras at their listings, recording guests during private, vulnerable moments, and according to an investigation by CNN, the company does very little to protect guests.

    A Massive Problem

    Last November, a man found a camera in the sofa of his Airbnb in Wales. A group of friends in British Columbia found one in the bathrooms of their listing. A couple sued Airbnb after discovering multiple devices hidden in their Maryland getaway. Although these guests managed to find the cameras, they all still worried about what would happen to the footage–where it would be distributed and who would see it. This invasion of privacy has shattered their sense of security.

    CNN reviewed 2,000 pages of police records and lawsuits and spoke to around two dozen guests who were recorded without consent. In a deposition, Airbnb admitted that it has received more than 35,000 customer messages regarding surveillance devices in the last decade; however, the company says that customers often send multiple emails about a single incident, so the number of actual incidents may be fewer than 35,000.

    This damning investigation also revealed that Airbnb consistently fights regulations and often doesn’t get law enforcement involved in these matters. The background checks by the company are also not dependable, and a criminal record, if found, doesn’t disqualify a host from listing their property. Is
    More alarmingly, Airbnb doesn’t take any responsibility because it doesn’t own any properties. Unlike hotels, the company can’t be held accountable for any wrongdoing, including hidden cameras, which have remained a problem for years.
    In March 2024, Airbnb banned all indoor cameras globally. Doorbell cameras and noise decibel monitors are allowed, but hosts are required to disclose their locations. The company said they would investigate any violations, and any host caught violating policy would have their listing or account removed. There Anything You Can Do About Hidden Came But can Airbnb properly police the problem? It doesn’t say anything about how they enforce rules, and there is no way to confirm that hosts are complying. CNN reports that the billion-dollar company quickly settles cases when it learns of surveillance and makes victims sign non-disclosure agreements. If you report the violation to the company, they may not report it to law enforcement. Or, the host may destroy evidence upon being questioned about hidden devices, making it an uphill task to prove the crime.
    In the U.S., video voyeurism is treated as a misdemeanor, and the punishment is up to one year in prison. Meanwhile, victims who find hidden cameras are left traumatized and fearful that their private moments may live forever in the digital space.
    What Can You Do?

    Unfortunately, not much can be done. If you’re worried about hidden cameras, the best course of action is to sweep the Airbnb when you arrive. Start with the most obvious places. As cameras are typically hidden for nefarious reasons, they’ll most likely be planted where they’ll capture intimate moments. Sweep bedrooms and bathrooms, particularly where a camera might grab the most unobstructed views.

    Norton also has a list of inconspicuous hiding places, including sofas, smoke detectors, light bulbs, electrical outlets, showerheads, lamps, cabinets, peepholes, and bookshelves.

    Use your phone’s flashlight to inspect key rooms and areas. Run the light in cracks and corners of the rooms; if there’s a camera lens anywhere, it should reflect the light. You should also turn off all lights in the room and try to detect tiny LED lights. Test any gaps or holes and do the mirror test to see if it’s a two-way mirror. You could also download a wi-fi network scanning app to see if any untrustworthy devices are connected to the Airbnb’s network.

    Despite all these precautions, there is no foolproof way to protect your privacy. Technology has made it easier to spy on people and video surveillance devices come in many shapes and forms and they’re easily available on the internet.

    If you find a device recording you without consent, block its view, take pictures, and call local law enforcement as soon as possible to report the offense before the host can destroy the evidence.

  7. Sissy says:

    7 Possible Running Mates For A Potential Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign

  8. Eddy says:

    Is it true that how much water you drink before bed can cause health issues?
    Yes, it is true that how much water you drink before bed can cause health issues. Drinking too much water before bed can lead to negative effects such as nocturia, which is characterized by an increase in the urge to urinate at night. This can disrupt sleep and cause health problems such as heart issues, diabetes, obesity, and depression.

    Best time to drink water for better sleep

    Drinking water before bed can have positive effects as well. Here are some key points to consider:

    – Drinking water before bed can help prevent dehydration and support body temperature regulation.

    – It can improve blood circulation and aid in cleansing the body at a cellular level.

    – Drinking water before bed can also help ease stomach cramps and alleviate cough and cold symptoms.


    – Drink water throughout the day to maintain hydration without overloading your bladder.

    – Finish your major hydration session two hours before bedtime to allow your body time to process the fluids.

    – Consider hydrating snacks like fruits and vegetables to quench your thirst without excessive liquid volume.

    – Monitor your body’s signals and adjust your water intake accordingly.

    Moderation is key. Listen to your body and drink water when you feel thirsty, but avoid excessive water intake close to bedtime to ensure a good night’s sleep.

  9. Nancy says:

    Does Shilajit extract work? How much would you take daily if so?

  10. RIP says:

    Duke Fakir, the final surviving original member of the Motown icons the Four Tops, has died at the age of 88.

    That was music.

  11. Robert says:

    Have you ever heard of Otis Boykin? I doubt it. It is a well kept secret by white America. Like so many contributors to the american intellectual arena, his contribution has been a well kept secret. It allows the white boy to claim that only the white man has made significant contribution to the American success story.

    • Wilma says:

      I googled Otis Boykin. I am a college educated black woman who never heard of him. WOW! those white bastards should be ashamed of themselves. I wonder how many other blacks have been excluded from America’s history. › blog › inventors › otis-boykin-electrical-resistor-pacemaker
      Otis Boykin’s Enduring Impact on Technology | National Inventors Hall …
      Date October 26, 2020. Est. Reading Time 3 mins. National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) Inductee Otis Boykin’s innovations to electronic resistors enabled the development of many of the devices we use every day. Found in everything from televisions to smartphones, variations of Boykin’s resistor

      • Dwight says:

        You are so right. How do those sick racist MFs stand themselves.
        It’s bad enough that we aren’t given an equal opportunity to show our skills, when we do show what we can do, the jealous scheming bastard won’t give us credit for our achievements. › wiki › Otis_Boykin
        Otis Boykin – Wikipedia
        Otis Boykin was born on August 29, 1920, in Dallas, Texas. His father, Walter B. Boykin, was a carpenter, and later became a preacher. His mother, Sarah, was a maid, who died of heart failure when Otis was a year old. This inspired him to help improve the pacemaker.
        Images for otisboykin

  12. V]3 says:

    Why are the aliens from the J*/` suffering from scopophilia?

    • I]5 says:

      They are not allowed to have sexually relationships with humans. But their simulator experience doesn’t take that into account when they are stimulated for an actual sexual encounter so as a substitute for actual participation in a sexual relationship they settle for just viewing the human body in various attractive means.

  13. O[7 says:

    How are you getting that alien head to appear when you comment?

  14. E[6 says:

    Once again those who favor human participation in our community are exaggerating the significance of human speech patterns. Chimpanzees on their planet exhibit the same speech patterns using hand signals as a means of communication. Humans don’t recognize that as anything special. Most of their scientist are not even aware of this skill.

  15. T]1 says:


  16. U]6 says:

    Your risks among humans is minimal. It takes about 2000 degrees F. (1090 degrees C.) to Harm your body. No open fire burning naturally on earth can attain such temperatures. In order to reach a heat of 2000 degrees, the fire must be forced.

    You walk through their forest fires as if on a leisurely stroll. That is a tell. Humans burn at much lower temperatures. You will be recalled if you persist in this lapse of thought.

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