she’s on the move!

I feel like there is new energy and positivity since the u-turn Biden took that allowed Madame Harris to become a viable candidate for Presidency of the United States. I know I was so depressed after watching Biden debate. What a failure. But now, we have a stronger leader in contention that could possibly become our first female POTUS!! How exciting and wonderful to finally see if it truly comes to pass. If the women would rally around her, its a shoe (sneaker? lol) in!

A huge crowd and a new tone for protesters: 5 takeaways from Harris rally

The joint appearance of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz raises Democratic hopes in a state that seemed to be slipping away.

But, the polls are only as good as who is offering them, unfortunately:

At least it appears the youngsters are engaging with her, which is great news. We their need votes. We can’t afford anyone being apathetic this time around.

For those Avatar users (and those that want one), please have someone reach out from your MS, so that I can give you your email password, which will allow you to also log in to social media accounts if someone posts a link here, or if you want to log into any other site.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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89 Responses to she’s on the move!

  1. George says:

    Basil says:
    08/10/2024 at 6:59 am
    Hypocrites – One and All:
    If the Hamas attack on Israel were to be on the US, what would their response be? How would it be better than Israel’s current response?

    I can’t imagine anyone’s response being better. A nation in mourning after being violently attacked will respond. And if they are capable, they will respond quickly, fiercely, and with no hesitation.

    Imagine a scenario in which the elected government of Mexico sent in thousands of people to massacre as many people as possible in border cities in Texas. By the time all the smoke cleared, there were thousands of Texans dead. Families were destroyed. Entire towns were decimated. Women were raped and scores of Americans were ripped from their homes and taken as hostages.

    How do you think the American government would respond? With diplomacy? With patience? With a measured response?

    I think we all know the answer.

    Within a week smoke would be billowing from buildings throughout Mexico. Tens of thousands would be dead. The only complaints against the government from the average American would be that they didn’t act swiftly enough or aggressive enough. And the world would remain silent, either believing the American’s actions were fully justified, or too nervous to speak out against the behemoth superpower.

    So in that sense, America’s response would be better. Because their hands would not be tied. No one could tell them to stop, slow down, or negotiate. They would just do what they felt was necessary, without anyone telling them how to take care of their own business.

    And that’s how pretty much every country in the world would respond.

    Only Israel is told to hold back, just lick its wounds, and shut the hell up. If this were not the case, this war would probably be over by now.

    Basil, for certain you are right. Those niggers marching for the moslems would be the first to volunteer to kill Mexicans, it their little gunnies were raped, killed, and kidnapped by Mexico.

    • Robert says:

      The truth has been said often enough about that moslem religion. It is a cult for men and they will do anything to support it because it gives them total control over their females. It basically makes their females just vessels for procreation, sex toys to be bartered and used as the men please.

      As a result moslem men are never true citizens of the western countries they immigrate to or are born in. They basically live for the 75 virgins they are promised for dedications to their fucked up idea of a god.

      • PrismPrincess says:

        They have a purpose, but
        They are not for Every Garden.
        Prudent Gardeners Prune Hard.
        To the Quick.
        Gardens overflow with Blooms In Gratitude.

  2. Fareed says:

    The Ear has learned that Iran will lead a coordinated attack against Israel. The attack will begin on Monday with an attack by Hezbollah and followed by an attack by Iran. He has warned Iran that if the attack is massive, then none of Iran’s leaders will be immune from assassination.

    • Yaki says:

      The last time that Iran attacked Israel they signaled it 24 hours before it did it in order to give Israel the ability to shoot down its rockets. But this time Iran will make it hurt. They will attack Israel’s military base with serious intentions. The goal is to warn Israel that if this war continues it will bring serious damage to Israel and all its people.

      • Badia says:

        You people are deplorable. You invade a people’s country rape, murder and kidnap their elderly, their women and their children and then bitch when they come at you to get them back. Now you claim that you are going to warn Israel not to continue to try to rescue the more than 100 hostages that you still have.

        I hope you do escalate this war so that my country, the US and other countries that hate your sick way of keeping women as sexual slaves and viewing any other person that does not accept your Muslim religion as the only right way to worship that pedophile Muhammad’s Islam.
        You people need to be exterminated as the vermin of religion you are.

  3. Caroline says:

    There are so many men, especially the young male voters, who are secretly aligned with the Republican Party. Most of them are white, Arabic, or Mexican, however there are a huge number of blacks and Asian young males who will be voting for trump because they want to have more control over their female members of society.

    It is a sick group of males who view women as competitors rather than partners in the economic and social environment. Women need to realize that the man next to them claiming to support their desire to be treated equally is a liar.

    • Hamza says:

      The Qur’an is supreme. All you infidels will be put to death. Hadith has set the example and we will follow it. His way of life (sunna) are most important in advising true followers of Islam how to deal with infidels. There are a lot of infidels in my country and other Islamic countries that have managed to survive by keeping to theirselves. That must not be tolerated. They need to be exterminated in the name of Allah.

      • Ghafran says:

        I have a great many Arabic friends who are infidels. I basically tolerate them. Some are Christian’s some are other religions. I have some Islamic sunni friends who I know don’t appreciate the fact that I am Shia. They too will have to answer to the will of Allah and his true followers.

        Personally, I am passed tired of pretending to befriend these infidels. I look forward to the time when we clean our country of these non believers.

  4. Helen says:

    Did You Know
    The plot of the 20th episode of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles hinges on a plot to kill the governor of California—in a fun real-life plot twist, the then governor of California was Arnold Schwarzenegger, famed for his role as the original Terminator in the 1980s.

    • Helena says:

      Did You Know
      Although it takes a mere eight minutes for photons to travel from the Sun to Earth, it takes tens of thousands of years for photons to escape the Sun’s core and outer layers to move freely through space—all due to how dense the sun is and how many times the photons are deflected internally before breaking free.

      • Luci says:

        Did You Know
        Despite the stereotype of bodybuilders and boxers slugging back raw eggs to build muscle, it’s actually a very ineffective way to consume an egg. The body can only absorb around 50 percent of the protein in a raw egg compared to around 91 percent of the protein in a cooked egg (and with less risk of salmonella, to boot).

    • Roger says:

      Did You Know
      The color of the little piece of glass (glass bubble filled with liquid alcohol) found inside the sprinkler heads of fire sprinkler systems indicates the temperature at which it bursts (and activates the sprinkler): orange is the lowest temperature, and black is the highest.

    • Greta says:

      Did You Know
      The names “buffalo” and “bison” might be used interchangeably for the large herd animals found in the American Midwest, but the correct name is bison, as buffalo are a separate species found only in Africa and Asia.

    • Donna says:

      Did You Know
      Eye color is the result of melanin (or lack thereof) in the irises of your eyes. Dark brown eyes have the most melanin and very light blue eyes have the least. There’s even a laser-based cosmetic surgical procedure that will break up the melanin and turn brown eyes blue.

    • Larry says:

      Did You Know
      Despite the popular misconception that “zillions” is an actual number (often placed in order after trillions), it simply refers (often comedically) to a very large number of indeterminate size.

  5. Anonymous says:

    It is no accident that Harris’s campaign theme song is by a woman — “Freedom,” by Beyonce.

    Trump’s theme song at the GOP convention was “It’s A Man’s World.”

  6. Clift says:

    Who has skulls like this?

  7. Harold says:

    Just how hard is it to be a Jew? If any race needs a country to protect them from the other races it is the Jews.

  8. Thomas says:

    Consider These 6 Things Before Installing Smart Security Cameras

  9. E[6 says:

    Our askwa contribute to our gustatory abilities in much the same way as taste buds do for humans. Thus we are excellent judges of human meat.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Why are so many against the Ear? Could it be because the CIA is involved in trying to lessen his relationship with the secret organization he is rumored to head. Truman signed the law creating the CIA, Eisenhower allowed it to metastasize, Kennedy was murdered when he tried to rein it in, and a loud and clear message was sent to all future presidents. Don’t fuck with the CIA!

    Robert Kennedy and Edward (Ted) Kennedy started a secret organization to protect future POTUSES from the CIA. It is rumored that the Ear is part of this organization.

    After Robert Kennedy discovered that Allen W. Dulles who was fired by John Kennedy as head of the CIA, was running a deep state where he continued to head the CIA. He also discovered that President Johnson had appointed him to head the Commission to investigate his brother’s assassination.

    He knew that he too would be assassinated because of his discovery of Dulles part in that assassination. So he and his brother set up this secret organization to protect future POTUSES from the CIA threat.

    Many members were murdered by the CIA until they became too big to be intimidated by the CIA. They became a secret arm of the government charged with the extrajudicial duty of taking out rogue CIA, NSA, and other US secret agents who ran a deep state operation of their own.

    Who knows whether this organization has become a deep state of its own, but for certain they exist. Now the question is who do they support for POTUS in the 2024 November election? Will they interfere or will they just accept the dictatorship that will be ushered in if Trump is elected?

  11. Alycedale says:

    A couple, the woman in modest attire and her husband in a simple suit, arrived unannounced at Harvard University’s principal office after disembarking from a train at Boston Station. The receptionist, judging them hastily, initially dismissed their purpose.

    “We would like to meet with the principal,” the man requested quietly.

    “He’s occupied all day,” the secretary curtly replied.

    “We’ll wait,” the woman asserted.

    Hours passed with the couple patiently seated, prompting the secretary to reluctantly inform the director of their persistence.

    “Perhaps if you meet with them briefly, they’ll leave on their own,” she suggested.

    Grudgingly, the director acquiesced. Upon their entrance, he scrutinized them with a stern gaze. The woman spoke softly:

    “Our son studied here and cherished this place. Sadly, he passed away unexpectedly a year ago. We wish to establish a memorial in his honor.”

    The director, visibly annoyed, retorted, “We can’t erect memorials for every student who dies. It would turn this place into a cemetery.”

    “No, not a memorial or statue,” the woman interjected hastily. “We wish to build a new building for Harvard.”

    The director scoffed, noting their modest attire, “Do you have any idea how much that would cost? Our buildings are valued at over seven million dollars.”

    The woman paused briefly before calmly saying to her husband, “Is building a university that inexpensive? Perhaps we should start our own.”

    With a nod of agreement, they left without further discussion. The director was left bewildered as the couple departed.

    In Palo Alto, California, they indeed founded a university in memory of their son – Stanford University.

  12. Reza says:

    The Baháʼí Faith is a religion founded in the 19th century that teaches the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. Established by Baháʼu’lláh, it initially developed in Iran and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception.

    My aunt was one of the 10 women hanged by the Islamic goons who murdered them. I hope the US bombs them into Hell.

  13. Robert says:

    The ear is livid with the Israeli government for allowing it citizens to destroy a Palestinian village. He is advising Biden to allow the Iranians to show Israel that they need the full support of the US to survive.

    If the Ear sours on the intentions of Israel, when Harris takes over, they could be in for some serious non support. The Ear has said that now he is committed to a Palestinian State as long as they are not allowed to make military alliances with other Arab states.

  14. Vote Blue says:

    General Mills just paid a $300 million dividend to investors, bought back $150 million in stocks in enrich execs and investors and pays it’s CEO $16 million. It makes $2.1 billion a year in profits. Now it’s raising prices on cereal 20% and blaming “inflation”. You know what to do- boycott!

  15. E[7 says:

    Why invest the time in bringing up humans for domestication when taming the creatures is far less time consuming? Taming is modification in behavior while domestication is modification in genetics. For humans to be domesticated they must be bred selectively over many generations to get the desirable traits.

    Besides, like us, many prefer their meat to be wild. A little taming does not affect the taste. We are not interested in behavior modification that would make humans less aggressive when faced with becoming food for our tables.

  16. Yancy says:

    Now we know why the Ear was in Africa. He organized a force to fight the Wagner group. His group attacked the Malian junta and captured or killed dozens of Malian soldiers and Wagner fighters.
    He is waging a new proxy war for Ukraine by getting involved in local conflicts to attack Russian elements. The Ear and Ukraine special forces are active in the Sudan’s civil war where Russian has interests.
    The Ear is recognized as a scholar of African security and politics. He is known to research conflicts, governance, terrorism on the African continent. Look for him to draw more African countries into the conflict.

    • Nikolai says:

      Putin is livid. He has put his unit that, like the Ear’s unit doesn’t officially exist, after the Ear. They are presently operating in Syria. Zaslon doesn’t officially exist, but the forces in Syria know how efficient they are.
      Putin has ordered them to shadow the Ear and when he leaves the US to make certain that he never returns. He wants his body so that he can have it stuffed and displayed in his office.

      • Anonymous says:

        The Ear may go down as one of the greatest strategist in modern history. His engineering of the invasion of Russia and the subsequent taking of around 483 square miles of territory, along with 92 settlements is unanimously agreed to be absolute genius. He is encouraging Ukraine to press home its attack. It is expected that he will meet with Ukraine commanders in the captured Russian town of Sudzha.
        He is showing the world that he can enter Putin’s country and laugh at his threats. Word is that he will attack Russia’s Korenvsky district and gain another 270 square miles of russian territory. If he succeeds Ukraine could capture of kill another 3,000 Russian troops.

        Say what you will about the Ear, but he is going to be the most feared non world leader in the world. The guy will literally go into your country and snatch your heart out. Is it any wonder that Iran is afraid to attack Israel with a serious onslaught?

        The question is should the rest of the world unite against this would be world dictator before he can threaten world order? In my humble opinion, he Better be stopped while the leaders of NATO have the ability to do so.
        Yes, they may like what he is doing for the Ukraine, but the way he is doing it is a threat to their country’s sovereignty. Where will he stop if he shows the world that he can single handedly take out Putin who has the second most powerful nation on the planet?

        They had best unite and kill this homicidal manic now!

        • Yekaterina says:

          If the Ear is foolish enough to enter Russia, he will never leave. We will catch and kill him.

          • Volokh says:

            Uh, huh. Looks like he came and went. Now that he has a better look at what we can do. He will authorize us to use long-range weapons to strike deep into Russia without asking those that supply long range missiles to us. We have our own self developed long range weapon with the characteristics of a missile and a drone.

            The Ear said that we, should have NO restrictions on weapons as long as Russia uses all kinds of its own weapons. The world will come to know the Palianytsia, the Russians will come to fear it.

            Oh, and the Ear laughed at Putin as he removed his bullet proof vest and got in the trenches with us and blew the brains out of some of Putin’s best.

            He said that we were free to tell the little man that he will be back as often as he sees fit. And that Putin should be worried that if he comes to Moscow, Putin’s days are numbered.

            • Yekaterina says:

              You lie. That animal wore a full body suit. He ran like the coward he is when Putin sent some of his elite to catch him.

              • Volokh says:

                We who are here know the truth. Yes, he wore a full body disguise, but that was to prevent his enemies from tracking him. He had announced the time of his departure before the attack by Putin. He removed the body armor that he wore over that “suit” before he entered the trenches with us and blew the brains out of many of your “best.” Tell Putin he has reason to be afraid. If Harris wins, he will be coming and daring him to use his nukes.

  17. Juanita says:

    Having A Drink Before Dinner? Don’t Order These, Experts Say.

  18. Gwen says:

    Aly Raisman requested an inquiry at the 2012 Olympics. She says Jordan Chiles’ case is ‘unacceptable’ – Currently, by AT&T

  19. J]9 says:

    Humans brought up in their 40s or 60s have to be specially prepared for space travel because on Earth they would be experiencing accelerated, non-linear changes that occur at the ages of 44 and 60.

    • K]5 says:

      We have been aware of this for some time. The changes in human years, 44 and 60 occur in their molecules – RNA, proteins and participants’ microbiomes.

      This is one of the times that linear time is not what humans experience. Unfortunately for them they do not age gradually in a linear way. You are correct in pointing out the ages of 44 and 60 as the times when their bodies experience accelerated aging in their molecules. It begins with their ability to metabolize foods they were able to before the age of 44 and again another accelerated jump in the metabolizing of foods especially proteins at the age of 60. This exposes them to cardiovascular disorders, kidney issues and type 2 diabetes.

      • N]4 says:

        Our findings didn’t quite match yours. We noticed a change in the ability of humans to metabolize lipids in their 40s. We gave this information to humans about 5 years ago with the hope that they would find a solution so that we could prevent the muscle injuries they experienced at that age. They didn’t so we used the data they had to resolve that issue.
        We will share this knowledge with any who need it to preserve their humans ability to use their muscles safely.

    • K]3 says:

      We have a solution for the changes they experience in proteins at 44 and 60. Our solutions can prevent and in many cases reverse the skin, muscle and cardiovascular changes that causes the wrinkling of their skin, loss of muscle tone, and weakling of their heart and blood vessels.

      We are reluctant to share this knowledge with other aliens because they could give it to humans which could allow them to live another 500 years with no visible or internal change to their anatomy. This would not be good for the human race since it would allow for the majority of wealth on the planet to accumulate in the hands of less than a dozen greedy beings.

      However, we are amenable to treating particular humans that you send to us for removal of these age jumps.

      • S]2 says:

        Tread carefully with the sharing of this data. It should be used only for humans who are brought up for space travel with us. If human technology can not solve their aging problems, we should not do it for them.
        Changing the way a human looks but not affecting their internal organs may be okay because they would then continue to be subject to the internal aging jumps that will eventually cause a normal death for them. We should not be in the business of extending the life spans of humans who are not brought up for space travel.

  20. M]31 says:

    Every 26 months Mars is separated from Earth by just 34 million miles.Why not send a signal during those times to inspire the race to Mars.

    • E[7 says:

      Mars opposition isn’t something earthlings can take advantage of. If they attempt to take humans to Mars they will have to navigate about 128 million miles to get there. We see no reason to bait them with a phenomenon they will not have the technology to avail themselves of.

  21. Jiehong says:

    There is something going on in the highest levels of the US government. The Russians and the Chinese are particular keen about their phone connections with Biden.

  22. Katie says:

    A envoy of the Ear recently arrived in Guam for an operational turnaround after participating in RIMPAC 2024, the world’s largest multinational maritime exercise. Guam is the largest and southernmost of the Mariana Islands in the Northern Pacific Ocean and is a US territory. It was a Spanish colony until 1898, becoming a US territory after the Spanish-American War. Guam has a tropical climate with trade winds and equatorial currents. The native Chamorros are of Malayo-Indonesian descent with influences from Spanish, Filipino, Mexican, and other ancestries. The capital of Guam is Hagatna.

  23. Simon says:

    Red-faced Kenyan police on Tuesday arrested eight of their own officers and launched a manhunt after a man accused of murdering and dismembering 42 women escaped from a Nairobi police cell along with a dozen other people.

    The escapees include Collins Jumaisi, 33, described by police as a “vampire, a psychopath”, who was arrested last month after the horrific discovery of mutilated bodies in a dump in a slum of the Kenyan capital.

    Jumaisi and the 12 others, all Eritrean nationals, appeared to have escaped by cutting through a wire mesh roof at the police station.

    • Walter says:

      If you ever need to actually speak with a Human at Comcast/Xfinity
      Comcast has some of the worst customer service in the industry. They are beyond horrible. The only way to speak with a live person is to call and tell the Voice Response Unit that you are calling to cancel. When it asks you if it is because of a move .. Say No. You will then get someone from their retention team. From there I usually ask to get transferred to tech support to address problems. If this doesn’t work file complaints with the BBB and the FCC. You will usually get a call back from some in the US within a day or two. It is very difficult to deal with comcast these days. I am looking to a new provider that is building out in my area so I can switch. Counting the days.

  24. Alycedale says:

    Aim for 90% or higher isopropyl alcohol when cleaning electronics, since lower-grade variants are diluted with water which takes longer to evaporate and may leave more residue behind.
    70% iso is actually a better disinfectant against bacteria and viruses since the higher water volume allows the alcohol to penetrate the cell wall of whatever nasties you’re trying to kill before it evaporates.

    • Helen says:

      Don’t use fabric softeners when washing your microfiber cloths, since this will coat the surface, make them less effective, and can even transfer residue onto whatever you’re trying to clean.

      • Tina says:

        Did You Know
        Hyperdontia is a medical condition in which the patient has supernumerary teeth—additional teeth that can appear in any area of the dental arch. In mild cases, a patient may simply have an extra tooth or two, and in extreme cases, they may have upwards of one hundred or more additional small teeth found all along the gums and roof of the mouth.

    • Helena says:

      Make sure you buy a dedicated soft-bristle toothbrush for cleaning, and avoid using too much pressure when scrubbing. It’s also a good idea to save your electric toothbrush for your teeth , not your electronics.

    • Milde says:

      Cotton buds can be an effective cleaning tool, but they do break apart under too much pressure. This can cause them to leave fibers behind, so it’s important that you keep a close eye on your cotton buds while cleaning.

  25. Mikhail says:

    The ear was spotted in Kursk celebrating the 33 anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. He reminded the troops there that they may not all make it back to Ukraine, that the aim of this mission was to take the pressure off their units at home and to get Putin to bomb his own people.
    Putin is enraged by the audacity to come to Russia and make fun of him. He has ordered his military to take the Ear and the Ukraine battalions in Kursk destroyed without mercy.

    • Dave says:

      Unless the Ear can convince the US to all the use of ATACMS [battlefield rockets] in Russia, in part to achieve the effects of battlefield air interdiction as Russian reinforcements pull up to Kursk, those Ukrainians will be slaughtered.

      • Lawrence says:

        If the Kursk operation were to ultimately accomplish no more than forcing Russia to defend its borders with token screening forces as at Kursk, then this would still be an achievement.

      • Ivan says:

        It is rumored that Putin is afraid that the Ear will seek to embarrass him further by getting some of his men to deliberately bomb their own civilians if he decides to attack the Ukraine army in Kursk. The question for Putin is just how deep has the Ear infiltrated the Russian military.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Fuck, is Biden senile? The ear is too crazy to trust with that kind of power. If he is successful in getting rid of Putin, what world leader is safe? Some patriot knows who he is, if he takes out Putin, please for your country take this manic out.

    • Vladimir says:

      Don’t worry. Putin is crafty. He has trapped that piece of shit within Russia’s borders. He won’t make it out alive. We will solve you Americans dictator worries. Just tell us what body part you want to prove his death.

      • Ali says:

        You are so funny, the Ear in Lebanon right now.

        • Vladimir says:

          Yeah, he was in Kursk. It is known that he has been urging the UK to allow Ukraine to use the Storm Shadow missiles the UK gave them in Russia. If they say yes, he is prepared to attack Moscow and St. Petersburg. No doubt that would start WWIII, but he is actually going to us those missiles to demonstrate to the Kremlin that military targets near Moscow could be vulnerable to direct hits. However, this strategy is not currently supported by US. Austin is against using Storm Shadow on targets inside Russia.

          He left Russia to advise Biden and Harris on the situation in the Middle East. The question is why is he holding back on Israel bombing the fuck out of Syria and Lebanon? The US is poised to lob serious artillery on both countries.

          My concern is with the situation between Russia and Ukraine. According to the Ear only the demonstration of Kyiv’s capability to strike deep into Russia will prompt the Kremlin to reassess its strategy.

          • Tataryn says:

            That day is coming sooner than you may think. The Ear said that there are at least 250 militarily significant targets in Russia within range of the ATACMS missiles, but since we are allowed to strike only 20 of them with their supplied weapons, we will use our Palianytsia. It has a range of 430 miles. The Ear said that he and his aids(Russians that he has recruited) will be near Russia’s Savasleyka air base planting the necessary guides and at least 20 other Russian air fields.

  27. Holly says:

    Clifford and Daisy May were married for many years.

    Whenever there was a confrontation, yelling could be heard deep into the night. Clifford would shout, “When I die, I’ll dig my way up and out of the grave and come back and haunt you for the rest of your life ol’ woman!!”

    Neighbors feared him. Old Clifford liked the fact that he was feared.

    He died at the ripe old age of 98.

    After the burial, Daisy May’s neighbors, concerned for her safety, asked, “Aren’t you afraid that he may indeed be able to dig his way out of the grave and haunt you for the rest of your life?”


  28. Marc says:

    What do you think of Donald Trump’s claim that Kamala Harris has a “low IQ”?

  29. T]4 says:

    Your Heritage Foundation research has convinced the Counsel to reassess its position on awarding the USA the sole right to alien encounter with aims toward mutual cooperation.

    Congratulations on keeping your presentation to logic while being pummeled by the emotions of those around you. Even while they admit to you being percipient in your research, they want to ague that the Heritage Foundation while a type of deep state that will not achieve its goal of turning the USA into a white bastion of rule by an oligarchy of the wealthy.

    • U[7 says:

      We should stay out of Earth politics. If the US is to become a dictatorship, then just pull back and look for some other nation to contact. The humans are predatory when it comes to money. They will eventually destroy each other over the quest for more and more of it.

  30. V]7 says:

    Who can verify the rumors that the alien that came to earth in 1295BC and took on the persona of Ptah-Tatenen, the royal creator god is now on earth masquerading as a female commoner?

    • L]7 says:

      We are not sure of her whereabouts today. But our records show that she was fond of entertaining the Egyptians. When she came as a human male she darned a green skin, wore a beard and had a pair of rams horns on her head.

      When she converted to a female she was worshipped as the God of fertility both for women and the earth with a chthonic association with plants. In the Nineteenth Dynasty, as Path-Tatenen, she became the Royal Creator God because of her status as primeval creator deity.

  31. Kelly says:

    The West Nile virus is a big threat in August and September. There is no cure for it. If you get sick after a mosquito bite, tell your docto.

  32. P[8 says:

    Allow the Boeing space vehicle to leave the space station and return safely. Blow up the Musk one that will be used to return the astronauts to earth.

    • K]5 says:

      Why would we do that? The earthlings are resisting bringing back the aliens occupying their bodies. They have plans to prevent them from re-entering earth on their own.

    • James says:

      Boeing is pissed that they are being used as the scapegoat for the fears that the two astronauts are no longer human. They see this as propaganda by Musk to give his Space X company more government money and to promote him as some kind of genius.
      There are no aliens. It is a hoax to make Space X look good in the eyes of investors. They turned an eight day stay at the Space Station to an eight month one to make money. That is all there is to it. Fuck you bastards posting as aliens.

  33. Greg says:

    There will be no cease fire between Hamas and Israel because the Ear wants to wait to see the results of the US election. It is suspected that he is changing his mind about a Two State solution since the people of Gaza has failed to reject Hamas as its leader. It seems that unless they do, the rest of the partners in the Middle East (Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and a few others who do not wish their names to be used) also don’t want to have to recognize a Palestinian State if it has to deal with Hamas.

  34. Lawrence says:

    The Ear has discovered that retired Brig. Gen. Anthony Tata is behind the leaks on his travels. Tata was forced into retirement after the Ear prevented his receiving his second star. He was an advocate of Trump using the military to control the country. And he was given a job at Fox so he can continue to support Trump. His connections among the rank and file in the military that support Trump has given him intel on the travels of the Ear.

    He should think about what the Ear will do if he leaks to the Russians his travel schedule. Trump or no one else will shield him from the wrath of the Ear if he feels the need to displine the traitor.

  35. Marilyn says:

    I don’t care what some man’s god says, women have the right to govern their own bodies.

  36. Doug says:

    Biden’s on vacation, Harris is campaigning and the Ear is running the country. I think he is finding out how difficult and trying that job is. I don’t know who he is or what he looks like but for sure his hair is grayer.

    • Federico says:

      Fuck the color of his hair. That bloodthirsty, homicidal, murderous, monster should not be given the power that senile old man has given him. There are those in Biden’s administration that absolutely disagree with everything the Ear stands for. Most fear him and the rest can’t do a thing about what is happening because Harris refuses to intercede on Biden’s behalf even though she knows Biden is incompetent. She supports Biden’s wife’s decision to defer to Biden’s passing the power to that wretched villain.

      • Nader says:

        I have no reason to defend the Ear of Biden. But I don’t know why you blaming the Ear for being smart and successful, is it jealousy or weakness of you, I don’t see anyone writing about Putin who started the war, I didn’t hear anyone blaming Putin for starting bounty on his head, If the Ear did that everyone will start saying how bad he is. I didn’t hear no one talking about Ostin the guy who is the head of the most powerful army how pussy he is.

  37. Nancy says:

    The National Federation of Republican Assemblies, said its avowed purpose is to promote “true conservatives” like Rick Santorum and Donald Trump; they fight against “RINOs” in primaries. They say Harris is ineligible because of the Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott.

    In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled 7–2 that “no person of African ancestry could claim citizenship in the United States.”

    Since Kamala Harris has African ancestry, and since the Constitution requires candidates for President to be citizens, NFRA says Harris is ineligible.

    They also say Barack Obama, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy are ineligible, and they tried to challenge Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy in the primaries when they ran against Trump.

    Dred Scott. These weapons-grade wankbangles sincerely believe Dred Scott still applies and anyone with one drop of African ancestry is not a citizen. they say Harris is ineligible because of the Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott.

    In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled 7–2 that “no person of African ancestry could claim citizenship in the United States.”

    Since Kamala Harris has African ancestry, and since the Constitution requires candidates for President to be citizens, NFRA says Harris is ineligible.

    They also say Barack Obama, Nikki Haley, and Vivek Ramaswamy are ineligible, and they tried to challenge Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy in the primaries when they ran against Trump.

    Dred Scott. These weapons-grade wankbangles sincerely believe Dred Scott still applies and anyone with one drop of African ancestry is not a citizen.

  38. Bill says:

    When should you actually use “whom”?

    Does anyone really say “whom”? There’s still a place for a proper “whom” and we have a trick for how to always know when to use it correctly.

    There are some ongoing debates where it’s impossible to come to a consensus — cats vs. dogs, Coke vs. Pepsi, summer vs. winter … the list goes on and on. But when it comes to grammar, there’s an explanation for every argument, no matter how confusing it may seem. Take, for instance, the debate over when to use “who” vs. “whom.” Some say that “whom” is archaic and outdated, while others insist that it still has an important role in the English language. Read on for a handy trick that will ensure you always know which “w” word to use, no matter the context.

    Here’s the technical rule: “Who” is used when referring to the subject of the sentence, and “whom” is used when referring to the object of a verb or preposition. But let’s try to explain that in a way that you’ll remember when you’re mid-conversation.

    If a person has completed an action or is being discussed, that means they’re the subject of the sentence. In this case, you should use “who” — for example, “Who ate all the cake?” or “Who wrote this article?” But if a person is having (or has had) something done to them, they’re no longer the subject, but rather the object of the verb. “Whom” is more appropriate in these contexts: “Whom do you like best?” and “Whom are you going to meet?”

    As for that simple trick to help you get “who vs. whom” right each and every time? If the question can be answered with “he,” “she,” or “they,” you should use “who.” For example: “Who ate all the cake? / He ate all the cake.” But if the question is better answered using “him,” “her,” or “them,” then “whom” is the right choice. As a memory aid, remember that if the potential answer could be “him” (even if it actually is “her”), use “whom,” because they both end in a letter “m.” “Whom are you going to meet? / I’m going to meet him/her/them.” We hope that clears things up, so go out there and spread the word of your mnemonic who/whom trick.

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