oops and ahs

Don’t forget.. TONIGHT:

If you don’t have ABC News, you can watch the debate on The Hill’s YouTube Channel

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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66 Responses to oops and ahs

  1. G*/!~ says:

    You cannot “disappoint” us.

  2. Craig says:

    I purchased a Xfinity official modem on eBay and now I’m being charged for “renting” it
    So I bought an official modem/router on eBay without thinking anything of it (there are lots for sale) it took a long time to get it setup properly and registered onto my account from the previous account. Since, comcast is charging me $15/month for “renting” their router and are claiming this is their property and to contact eBay to get refunded and return them my router. eBay says the seller isn’t in violation and I’m not really sure what to do. Any tips or similar experiences!

  3. Sandi says:

    Harris put Trump on defense over abortion — and kept him there
    Author Headshot
    By Jess Bidgood
    Debating Hillary Clinton in 2016, former President Donald Trump said that if he were elected president, he would appoint two or three anti-abortion Supreme Court justices who would “automatically” overturn Roe v. Wade.

    On Tuesday night, Vice President Kamala Harris pressed him to answer for it.

    “They did exactly as he intended,” she said, referring to the justices, before laying out the consequences of the post-Roe rollback of abortion rights in searing and painful detail.

    “One does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree, the government and Donald Trump, certainly, should not be telling a woman what to do with her body,” Harris said.

    It was the first big confrontation of their first and only scheduled debate, which unfolded on a small stage in Philadelphia where Trump seemed to do his best to avoid so much as looking at his opponent.

    And it set the tone for a night in which Harris repeatedly pushed Trump onto turf where he was deeply uncomfortable, leaving him defensive as she pressed her case.

    As Harris drew on emotion by talking about women suffering miscarriages or young incest victims being denied care, Trump grew emotional — although it was anger that seemed, for him, to be the feeling of the night.

    After Harris said Trump would be willing to sign a national abortion ban, something he has previously indicated a willingness to support, he accused her of lying. He tried to change the subject to student loans, before changing it back to abortion. He claimed he had been a leader on “fertilization” and I.V.F. He forced Harris to deflect when he sought to pin her down on whether she would limit abortion in the seventh or eighth months of pregnancy, but she soon turned the issue back on him and pressed him to say whether he would veto a national ban.

    Harris kept Trump on defense for much of the rest of the evening, on everything from his criminal cases to the size of the crowds at his rallies. In what was her one chance to define herself, she flipped the scrutiny back to Trump with a barrage of prepared attacks. Each time, she stuck close to the same theme, casting herself as an agent of progress and Trump as a figure of the past who could do real damage to people’s lives.

    Trump made his key argument against Harris, too.

    “She’s going to do all these wonderful things,” Trump said. “Why hasn’t she done it? She’s been there for three-and-a-half years.”

    The problem for him was that he did not do so until his closing statement, in the final moments of the debate.

  4. T[4 says:

    Be careful and not allow your humans to absorb too much sulfur. Clues they may be doing this are: they suffer from Wheezing, or bile irregularities.

  5. R[2 says:

    H[7, your cryptonyms are too easily decipherable. Fix it.

  6. Alycedale says:

    Hey!!! The exclamation point is one of the most common, yet frankly overused symbols in modern language. This familiar punctuation mark primarily denotes emphasis, or can be used as a warning if it’s written on its own! An early version of the symbol originated during the Middle Ages (!) and over time, this simple punctuation mark has blossomed into the popular symbol used today!!!!!

    As the previous paragraph demonstrates, however, it’s easy to go overboard with exclamation points. They should be used far more sparingly than they are — even professional writers are guilty of an overly excited text!!! Sure, there are times when it’s appropriate to use one, but overindulging will cause the exclamation point to lose its punch. If you feel like you’ve been overusing exclamation points when texting or posting on social media, perhaps it’s time for a detox. Here’s how to cut back and use them in a more reasonable manner.

    To understand when to use an exclamation point, let’s first review when not to use them. As a basic rule of thumb, if you’re writing a work email, a job application, a condolence card, or any similarly serious correspondence, you should eschew them altogether. Exclamation points detract from the serious and professional nature of any setting. Let’s look at two examples — “I’m sorry for your loss.” vs. “I’m sorry for your loss!” Using a period conveys an aptly somber feeling, while an exclamation point diminishes the situation and makes it feel almost goofy or celebratory.

    In general, it’s best to use exclamation points extremely sparingly. That being said, they are useful for conveying legitimate feelings of shock and awe. If you’re writing out a “Wow!” or “No!” then it’s perfectly OK to use an exclamation point for emphasis. And if you’ve managed to corral your exclamation point usage, that single punctuation mark will deliver the bang you need it to.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you use “literally” figuratively?

      Do you literally mean “literally,” or do you mean “figuratively”? Even the most well-respected dictionaries have loosened up the restrictions on “literally.”
      Bennett Kleinman

      During these dog days of summer, you may say, “It’s so hot, I’m literally melting.” But unless you’re a giant talking ice cream cone, that sentence is far from literal. The word “literally” means “in a literal sense,” which implies that you’re talking about something factually, precisely, and accurately. However, people often use the word in a figurative sense, which drives grammar pedants up a wall. You may be surprised (or reassured) to learn, though, that there are plenty of times when it’s OK to use “literally” figuratively — and reputable dictionaries agree.

      The word “literally” was coined in the 1530s from the Latin literalis, meaning “of or belonging to letters or writing.” By the 17th century, that definition had already begun to shift as people increasingly used “literally” for hyperbole and in metaphors. In 1876, Mark Twain wrote in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: “And when the middle of the afternoon came, from being a poor poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom was literally rolling in wealth.”

      This figurative usage continued to grow more widespread, and eventually, dictionaries took notice. Both the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster contain seemingly opposing definitions for the word “literally,” stating it can be used both literally and figuratively. “Literally” is a Janus word, meaning it can act as its own opposite; other examples include “cleave” (which means both “to split” and “to adhere”) and “oversight” (“supervision” and “omission”). When Merriam-Webster updated the definition of “literally” in 2013, editors explained they “included this definition for a very simple reason: a lot of people use it this way, and our entries are based on evidence of use.”

      If you find yourself using “literally” in the figurative sense, don’t worry, because you’re not alone, nor are you incorrect. If a grammar stickler gives you a hard time, just point them to the dictionary and go on your merry way.

  7. Kenneth says:

    Looks like the gent who posted that the Ear failed to lower gas prices was either grossly in error or living in CA because gas prices have gone way down in most other states. It is running between $2.50 and $3.00 a gallon.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not unlike the soldier who pulled a knife on him some while back. The Ear saw him coming at him and pushed his body guards aside and grabbed a bayonet from a M16 and went at the soldier. He met him mid stride and gutted him like he was a fish. We were all shocked when he got up blooded and smiling. The thanked the soldier whose M-16 he had borrowed to remove the his bayonet and casually handed it back to him. It still had bits of intestines and whatnot on it.

      Then he carried on with his conversation without the slightest concern for all the blood on his clothes.

    • Debbie says:

      Interest rates will be coming down too.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The word of the day is fish.
    FISH: Fuck It Shit Happens

  9. Mona says:

    I see Trump is saying Kamala had to have notes during her interview, so she must have had the questions in advance. Wow, so in other words he’s admitting she was so good, she couldn’t possibly have adlibbed it, she must have had notes. That really was a stupid thing to say, seeing that anyone who cares to check will see there were no notes. Many wide shots showed that. He said she kept looking at her notes, then back up at the interviewer. That is a habit of hers when speaking seated, she looks at her hands folded in front of her on the table ,then back up. There were no notes except in Trumps imagination.

    I happen to have the same habit, it sort of helps me think.

  10. Rosa says:

    Tyreek Hill detainment: Hill, Calais Campbell, police union provide their accounts from Sunday’s pregame incident – Currently, by AT&T


  11. David says:

    If you have Netflix, check out “Rebel Ridge.” It gives a great education on the reasons and why cops can steal the cash people have on them while they travel through their state.

    • Kris says:

      Thanks for the mention. Found it. Loved it. My brother who is a diehard Trump fan said it was Un American. It made me like it more.

  12. Suzy says:

    How much urithlin A is a good dose for me? How long can I take it for?

    • S]4 says:

      Urolithin A is a metabolite produced when certain gut bacteria break down ellagitannins, which are found in foods like pomegranates, berries, and nuts. If you continue to consume foods that produce Ellagitannins, the addition of Urolithin A would seem logical.

      Per your request we examined ellagitannins, ellagic acid, urolithins, ET-rich foods, gut–brain axis, antioxidant effects, anti-inflammatory effects, neuroprotective effects, anti-cancer effects.

      We found that urolithins might be responsible for the health effects attributed to the consumption of ET-rich foods, herbal teas (green and black Camellia sinensis teas), and herbal medicinal products. The consumption of ET-rich foods, such as berries and nuts, belonging to the group of functional foods, have a positive impact on preventing lifestyle-related diseases.

      Unlike single-target drugs which are prescribed my doctors that alleviate symptoms without eradicating the cause, the combination of ETs and EA demonstrated in vitro great potential in the treatment of oxidative stress-mediated human diseases, comparable to that of urolithins, but in vivo-only urolithins proved to be responsible for the beneficial effects.

      On the whole our findings are that those humans who seem to be able to resist most types of cancers have an abundance of Urolithin A. Since UA decreases with age, the main determining factor of the distribution of urolithin metabotypes in the population, other factors, including diet, physical activity, health status, sex, weight, or body mass index, could have a potential influence.

      Diet can change that. Thus, following a chronic consumption of pomegranate extract with a high content of ETs (1.8 g extract containing 425 mg ETs), non-producer individuals (metabotype 0) became producers (metabotype A or metabotype B).

      The biological activities of ET-rich foods, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, may differ from person to person, depending on the composition of the intestinal microbiota,hence we cannot say that your use of UA will give you the benefits of cancer protection until we have a better understanding of your gut. However we can say due to its ability to regenerate and not being reduced after metabolism, EA can provide continuous protection against oxidative stress, even at micromolar concentrations.

      The problem we found is that though some ETs have shown strong antioxidant effects in vitro, they cannot be extrapolated in vivo due to the metabolism of ETs and EA by the intestinal microbiota to urolithins, with an antioxidant activity different from that of ETs.

      Simply put, they are not absorbed into the bloodstream due to their large size and cannot exert their full antioxidant potential in other tissues than the intestine where they are hydrolyzed to EA and metabolized to urolithins by the intestinal microbiota.

      Therefore, the assumption that urolithins could have a higher antioxidant capacity than originally thought is still being investigated, aiming to prove that these metabolites can have an important contribution as antioxidants in the body after the oral administration of intact ETs. UA might be used as a natural immune-suppressant in some inflammatory diseases.

  13. Donald says:

    Thugs with badges at it again.

    Bodycam footage from Tyreek Hill’s detention shows Miami-Dade police in the wrong


    What would have happened if this wasn’t Tyreek Hill? If one cop had not recognized him and told the others, and if the NFL security for the Dolphins hadn’t showed up?

  14. Helen says:

    September 12, 2024

    Did You Know
    There is no official definition for the building term “skyscraper,” and the term is generally used to describe buildings relative to each other—a building that towers over the skyline in St. Louis might be called a skyscraper by the locals, but wouldn’t be considered such by New Yorkers.

    • Helena says:

      Did You Know
      The arrector pili are small muscles attached to hair follicles in mammals and responsible for goosebumps—when you get goosebumps, the minute muscles pull on the follicle, creating the bump on your skin and raising the hair upwards.

    • Ali says:

      Did You Know
      Your hike through the grocery store to get to basic staples like sugar and flour isn’t accidental. Modern grocery store layouts are designed so that shoppers have to walk past more profitable products before reaching staple items in the back and outer aisles.

    • Alycedale says:

      Did You Know
      Rats, mice, and other rodents communicate not just in the range of sound frequencies humans can hear (approximately 20-20,000 Hz), but in ultrasonic frequencies as high as 91,000 Hz.

    • Regina says:

      Did You Know
      If you eat a diet rich in vegetables, then you’re eating a wide variety of plant parts. For example, when we eat asparagus we’re eating the stem of the plant, with carrots we eat the root, with corn we eat the seeds, with lettuce we eat the leaves, and with broccoli we eat the flower.

    • Mona says:

      Did You Know
      The safety lever on a hand grenade, the lever the soldier holds down after removing the pin, but before throwing it, is commonly referred to as the “spoon” due to its shape.

  15. Michelle says:

    Kamala Harris’ Debate Handshake Spoke Volumes. Body Language Experts Reveal Why.


  16. I[6 says:

    It is not necessary to use a daedalian series of identities. Humans aren’t that intelligent. All you are doing is confusing those of us who can’t tell if your concoctions are human or alien.

  17. E[8 says:

    Aliens advising humans on bringing back analog computer should be admonished about interfering in human technological advancement. Especially since the return to analog could force some of us who monitor their digital tech will be put at a distinct disadvantage.

  18. U]3 says:

    This should not be addressed. We communicate with our Earth contacts using chaotic or non-linear systems. Humans need analog computers to simulate how our neural nets work. All we did was help them develop analog “chips” that are a digital and analog hybrids.

  19. Basil says:

    I wantyou to understand that the right place appreciates you in the right way. If they don’t value you, don’t be angry, it just means you’re in the wrong place. Those who know your value are the ones who truly appreciate you. Never stay in a place where they don’t recognize your value!

  20. Marc says:

    The ear has let loose his promised attack on Hezbollah across Lebanon. Pagers are blowing up all across Lebanon.

    • LMn says:

      Live: Hezbollah calls pager explosions biggest security breach in war with Israel


    • Doug says:

      Wait until you see the surprise he has for Putin if Harris wins.

    • Eitan says:

      Yes, he is a habile tactician and strategist when it comes to waging war upon an opponent. But unlike those military minds that are merely competent, his genius comes with the fact that he likes death, other peoples.
      Most who have known him over the past decade under those circumstances fear him. That fear commands respect and inspires a legion of wannabes. Hezbollah, Isis, Taliban, Iranian, and other extreme elements all have leaders who believe they can be like him and instill the type of fear he does with the mere mention of his name. But they merely commit atrocities while he constructs masterpieces of destruction and death like this pager attack.

    • Daniel says:

      Damn, this guy is good! He bought control over the Chinese concern that manufactured those pagers and had explosive devices planted in them. Tens of thousands of them were purchased with his own money so as to keep it thoroughly a secret. Then he resold them at a lost to Hezbollah, and waited almost a year before he informed Israel that he had a way to disrupt their plans for a major attack on Israel.
      Mossad was both delighted and angry with the Ear because they now understood where he was getting his pinpoint information about the whereabouts of key Hezbollah, Iranian, and Hamas personnel. Many members of Mossad have died trying to secure that information. So even Mossad despises the Ear, but they also fear getting on his bad side. He has demonstrated a lethal impatience with those who defy him. They know that he would not hesitate to allow Hezbollah, Iran, or any number of bad actors to hit the heart of Israel if he felt dissed by Mossad.

      The highest echelons of Israeli government he didn’t give them the heads up about the Oct 7 attack because Mossad had been claiming that they didn’t need his help with Intelligence concerning the Arab world. Now they are now aware that he had intelligence telling him about Hamas’s plans to strike Israel. Of course they are pissed off, but to acknowledge that another entity had the knowledge about the security of Israel when they didn’t would be too embarrassing for Mossad and Israel.

      Even Lloyd Austin III, is angry with the Ear for withholding such information. It is widely known in the US’s secret circles that the CIA considers the withholding of such critical information treason and they want the authority to treat the Ear’s organization as a rogue criminal element of the government.

      But is it true that there is such an organization? Most think that it is the CIA that has manufactured this myth of a secret government to excuse some of the high handed and evil shit they do by placing it upon an off-the-shelf Black Opps operation answering only to POTUS.

      • Robert says:

        When will it all end? Only with the death of the Ear most think. But most of that “most” fear being discovered to be among those seeking his death.
        Frankly, Israel has been a bit over the top with their handling of the Palestinians. I can understand the Ear’s impatience with some of Israel’s tactics. It is believed he helped Israel only because he didn’t want a major war to break out with the other players and Israel before the POTUS vote on Nov 5th.

      • E]1 says:

        Genius, genius, genius? He added an explosive chemical to the battery cells that would be hard to detect, then, with a small electric signal, triggered them to explode. So say the humans.

        What we want to know is if any one of us provided him with the technology to accomplish his feat.

    • Anonymous says:

      By all accounts the Ear is just as dangerous, if not more when he isn’t out there on the battlefield. Even when he is hunkered down, he manages to command the attention of his adversaries and admirers alike by such James Bond type successes. Who is he? Or is he more than one man/woman? When will he be killed? Why do so many wish for that death, while others fear that same death will lead to WWIII?
      All await what the incoming POTUS will do with him.

    • Mohamed says:

      They are in for even more surprises. What will they use to communicate? When you boast that you are the group that will claim those $billions offered for the head of the Ear you are fucking with the bull. When you fuck with the Bull, you get the Horns.

      • Anonymous says:

        You bastards think that murderer is someone to admire. His destruction has maimed thousands most have lost an eye and others a hand. Death has occurred in both the Hezbollah and children. Someone has to take this motherfucker out.

        • George says:

          Next we will be hearing about all the children and women that have been killed. You “bastards” dance when you rape, murder women and children, but cry like babies when it is your turn.

          • Noam says:

            I agree. The Palestinians were dancing in the streets when those raping murderers paraded their kidnapped victims in the streets of Gaza. Now those savages want the world to cry for their suffering. The suffering that they should have expected a country to bring in retaliation for such brutality brought to their doorstep by disgusting animals.
            41,000 killed is not nearly enough. Unlit at least 100,000 of those savages have bit the dust, Israel should continue to bomb the fuck out of them. And I don’t care how many of that number are “women and children.” The perpetrators nor the People including the “women and children” of Gaza didn’t care how many Israeli women and children were killed or raped on Oct 7th.

            Quit whining, you sick bastards and take your medicine.

  21. James says:

    Who has the Ear been protecting? It has been known that he has kept Israel from unleashing major operations in Lebanon, and Syria. The intelligence agencies of Iran, Hezbollah, Lebanon, Syria and other actor are teaming up to find out who he was protecting.

  22. Grace says:

    only 14, when confronted with the images, said they regretted what they did.


    Some men are little more than savages.

  23. Erica says:

    China is butt fucking the Philippines in the South China Sea. The Ear has voiced his displeasure with China. But he feels his hands are tied because he can’t do anything to cause Harris to lose.

    He has stated that if Harris wins, he will take the first destroyer headed towards the South China Sea and he is looking forward to mixing it up with the China Armada. He likes a fight so who knows what his intentions are.

  24. Tom says:

    Henry Ziegland thought he had dodged fate.

    In 1883, he broke off a relationship with his girlfriend who, out of distress, committed suicide. The girl’s brother was so enraged that he hunted down Ziegland and shot him.

    The brother, believing he had killed Ziegland, then turned his gun on
    himself and took his own life. But Ziegland had not been killed. The bullet, in fact, had only grazed his face and then lodged in a tree. Ziegland surely thought he was a lucky man.

    Twenty years later, however, Ziegland decided to cut down the large tree, which still had the bullet in it. The task seemed so formidable that he decided to blow it up with a few sticks of dynamite.
    The explosion propelled the bullet into Ziegland’s head, killing him.

    Source: http://www.virginmedia.com/science-nature/amazing-bodies/worlds-unluckiest-people.php?ssid=7

  25. Kelly says:

    Hassan Nasrallah, head of Hezbollah in Lebanon received a 😎from the Ear just before the pagers went off. Now he knows that if there is an all out war he will have to run for the bunkers because the Ear has spies all around the senior commanders of Hezbollah and he knows where he is.

    The Ear has thumbed his nose at Hezbollah and his huge arsenal. As for Israel, the Ear has threatened them with the possibility of angering Hezbollah so that they launch 30,000 rockets a day on Israel. Israel will not be able to defend against such an arsenal without his help. It looks like the Ear has the fate of both parties in his hands.

  26. JoHan says:

    Tehran is busy checking their communication equipment. So is Putin.

  27. Steven says:

    You heard it here first. Pagers and walkie-talkies aren’t the only items that the Ear has wired with bombs. Look for everything from Solar devices to any device used by those targeting they Ear to be ready to explode.

  28. Ernest says:

    It seems that the Ear fooled everyone when he made all those trips to Europe. Looks like he wasn’t just there to fuck with Russia. We thought his relationship with Hungary was one to allow him to escape Russia. But it appears that he was the sole stockholder of a Budapest company that manufactured those pagers. Most feel that at least half of the 1,800,000 population of Hungary are in the pocket of the Ear. Just how wealthy is the guy?

  29. Ali says:

    Already members of Hezbollah have issued orders to take down posters making the Ear a wanted man. He lit up the skies of Lebanon with explosives. So many top leaders of Hezbollah have been killed or maimed that they have told Iran that they will not be pursuing the Ear’s bounty anymore. It may be a ploy to stop whatever the Ear has planned for them tomorrow, but for certain the posters are coming down.

    • Mahmoud says:

      It’s about time you have comment since
      You probably missing right hands now

      • Aamil says:

        Orders to not allow pagers and walkie-talkies in the airport at Lebanon have also been given. How can a Muslim support what that manic has done? Allah will surely send you to Jahannam. There you will get what you deserve.

        • Mahmoud says:

          Did Allah say go after someone for the money nor said don’t defend your self !
          Please don’t talk about Allah if you don’t have common sense and if you don’t know that someone like the Ear shouldn’t be fuck with.

  30. Andrij says:

    Will Ukraine be able to hold out until the US presidential election is over? They are being surrounded by Russians in the Donetsk.

  31. Juanita says:

    Electrolyte Drinks Are Everywhere — But Can They Do More Harm Than Good?


  32. Robert says:

    Putin now knows that when the Ear was in Russia he targeted Toropets Northeast Ammunition Depot, in Russia’s Tver region, a war-critical piece of Russian military infrastructure. At the time Putin was bragging that Toropets was the most modern and attack-resistant munitions storage facility in all of the Russian Federation.

    Well, the Ear has proved him wrong. Wednesday, he helped Ukraine wipe it off the face of the earth. It was likely the most damaging long-range attack launched by Kyiv in 30 months of combat, and possibly the most devastating air strike ever to hit Russia, World War II included.

    I have to say that like most of the minds that run the military mights in the nuclear countries, I am in awe of this guy’s military genius and daring. How does he find the time to run the US, fight a war in the Middle East, a war in Europe and juggle the political hopes of the democrats? Oh, yeah and as promised, he had the Feds lower interest rates by a whopping .5%. The results, Wall Street hit record heights.

  33. Anonymous says:

    For where thou art, there is the world itself . . . and where thou art not, desolation.

    • Josephine says:

      Not necessarily. Sometimes the Gods have created and area and left it to beings they created to discover it and thrive or desecrate the area. Either way they will be entertained. Look what the beings they created are doing to the place they created call Earth. Aliens came here before us and they left it as it was created, beautiful. We humans arrived and set about destroying it.

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